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War Doctor Surgery On The Front Line, Unnatural Causes, The Prison Doctor, Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt 4 Books Collection Set

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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

War Doctor Surgery On The Front Line, Unnatural Causes, The Prison Doctor, Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt 4 Books Collection Set:

War Doctor Surgery on the Front Line:
For more than twenty-five years, David Nott has taken unpaid leave from his job as a general and vascular surgeon with the NHS to volunteer in some of the worlds most dangerous war zones. From Sarajevo under siege in 1993, to clandestine hospitals in rebel-held eastern Aleppo, he has carried out life-saving operations and field surgery in the most challenging conditions, and with none of the resources of a major London teaching hospital.

Unnatural Causes:
He has performed over 23,000 autopsies, including some of the most high-profile cases of recent times; the Hungerford Massacre, the Princess Diana inquiry, and 9/11.He has faced serial killers, natural disaster, ‘perfect murders’ and freak accidents.His evidence has put killers behind bars, freed the innocent, and turned open-and-shut cases on their heads.Yet all this has come at a huge personal cost.

The Prison Doctor:
Violence. Drugs. Suicide. Welcome to the world of a Prison Doctor.Dr Amanda Brown has treated inmates in the UK s most infamous prisons first in young offenders institutions, then at the notorious Wormwood Scrubs and finally at Europe s largest women-only prison in Europe, Bronzefield.

Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt:
Adam Kay’s diary was written in secret after long days, sleepless nights and missed weekends. It is funny, moving and sometimes shocking. This is everything you wanted to know and more than a few things you didn’t about life on and off the hospital ward.


War Doctor Surgery On The Front Line, Unnatural Causes, The Prison Doctor, Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt 4 Books Collection Set




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